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Visier Insights™ Report: Racial and Ethnic Career Gap Reveals Magnitude of Equity Challenge

Detailing the alarming scale of inequity between white working professionals and their non-white counterparts as it relates to pay and career progression.

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As urgent calls for social justice erupted in 2020, many employers moved quickly to take a stand against racism and made commitments to place more employees from underrepresented groups* into higher paying jobs.

But this new Visier study uncovers the uncomfortable truth: today’s workforce is simply not living up to the standards being discussed in the broader public forum. Left unchecked, it could take more than 25 years to close the pay gap between these underrepresented groups and their majority counterparts.

This report highlights the significant management and pay gaps that exist, the progress that has been made, and how employers can narrow the gaps even further, faster.

Report demographics

  • 2017–2020: Years covered in report
  • 44: Enterprise organizations examined
  • 400,000: Number of U.S. employees in report dataset

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